(TELETHERAPY ONLY) -- Life can be a roller coaster! Everyone goes through periods of highs and lows, take on twists and turns, and at times we come to a screeching halt. That halt comes when we realize that the challenge we're facing cannot be faced alone and we come to understand that we may need a little help getting back on track. I can provide a comfortable, confidential, and non-judgmental environment for you to explore what YOU need out of life. I will be there to support you, provide perspective, and empower you to determine what is needed for you to maintain being your best self.
We will work to together to identify your strengths, limitations, and ensure your self-determination toward your progress. I specialize in working with individuals who are facing personal challenges that require a different perspective.
The notion of self-determination is that this entire process is solely about you and your journey. Has life taken you off-track? Are you growing restless trying to get yourself back on track? I look forward to working with you! Let's work together to figure out how to alleviate this pause in your life!
Alexus Amaker is in network for the following plans:
Aetna Ambetter Anthem Blue Care Network Blue Cross Blue Shield United Behavioral HealthI will complete and submit paperwork on your behalf for reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network sessions.